Basic guide to on-page SEO

10 tips to help you improve your search ranking


Last Update 2 years ago

Basic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for your website

Here are our 10 on-page optimisation tips to help your web pages to rank better in search.

In this context we are looking at organic search as opposed to paid search.

Once you have identified your target keyword for a specific page, you should create your content around this keyword.

1. Make sure the primary keyword is in the page URL

2. The URL should be short and human readable

3. Use hyphens and not underscores in the URL

4. The meta title should be optimised for the keyword

5. The meta description needs to be compelling, informational and relevant
The Google search result for Warp Design SEO Services is shown below:

6. Check that you have an H1 tag on the page and that it is optimised.

This is often the main headline on the page as you can see on our page. Note: It is important that you only have one!

7. Ensure all images are optimised for size and relevant ALT tags

For example this image has an Alt tag ‘SEO Services to grow website traffic’

8. Check that your keyword appears 2-3 times on the page and that it is inserted naturally not stuffed

9. Make sure there are no broken links on your page.

10. If you have a form on the page - check that it works. You would be surprised how many do not!

Needless to say this is not a definitive list and is only part of the big SEO puzzle. It is important to note that SEO is not a quick fix, it can take many months to get optimal search ranking.

Finally, take care when making any changes to an existing URL. If they have already been indexed you will need to redirect the old URL to the new one, otherwise the search engines will report a 404.

Editing your content

At Warp Design we build our websites on the Processwire content management system.

This allows for easy editing of your on page SEO. On other platforms such as Wordpress, you may need to use a plugin such as Yoast SEO.

Here’s how:

Under the SEO tab, as you complete the meta title and description fields, you will see what will be displayed in google search results.

The keyword field should not be populated as this is no longer used by search engines that use AI to read page content.

Next, copy the URL of an image related to this page as below, and then paste it into the image field. This will be the image that is used if you copy the page URL onto a social media post.

Then finally, paste the page URL into the canonical tag field. This is important to tell the search engine which page this data relates to, especially if there are pages with similar content. (In later versions this field may be pre populated.

Last updated: 20th April 2022

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